Distance from Cleveland, OH to Acworth, GA

Driving distance from Cleveland, OH to Acworth, GA is 679 miles (1092 km). How far is it from Cleveland, OH to Acworth, GA? It's a 10 hours 26 minutes drive by car. Flight distance is approximately 539 miles (867 km) and flight time from Cleveland, OH to Acworth, GA is 01 hours 05 minutes. Don't forget to check out our "Gas cost calculator" option. It will calculate cost of driving this particular distance. See the map below for the visual display of the upcoming road trip.

Driving distance
679 Miles
1092 Km
Driving distance
Gas consumption
27.16 Gallons
103.74 Litres
Gas consumption
Flight distance
539 Miles
867 Km
Flight distance

How far is it from Cleveland, OH to Acworth, GA?

To travel the distance from Cleveland, OH to Acworth, GA, please, click on the map to see the route for the journey. "Gas Cost Calculator" tool is to your right. You can always modify it and make the number more applicable for your journey.

Book a Hotel for your trip to Acworth, GA

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